‘Sidi doli’ je drugi singl s ‘Albuma’, i prvi video spot Nule 

U drugom singlu koji najavljujemo novi ‘Album’, propitkujemo stvari iz vremena rane faze benda s početka ‘90ih, u odnosu na ova današnja.

Do kakvih zaključaka i odgovora smo došli poslušaj u skladbi ‘Sidi doli‘, prvo na Bandcamp i YT stranici PDV labela, a uskoro i na ostalim platformama.

Cover ilustraciju napravio je Marko Balaban - Balki, a ista stvar dobila je i video spot, ujedno prvi benda ikad, za snimanje je bio zadužen Tonko Mikulandra (studio82), dok montažu i režiju potpisuje David Tešić (DMT Productions). U video spotu korištene live snimke by Beroxhcx.
Premijera zakazana, u subotu, 20. travnja, i može se pogledati pod linkom

‘Album’ izlazi 31. svibnja, a u tijeku je crowdfunding kampanja s kojom skupljamo sredstva za ploču.


‘Sidi doli’ is the 2nd single from an forthcoming ‘Album’, and our first official video

In ‘Sidi doli’, the 2nd single that is announcing an upcoming ‘Album’, we question things from the band’s early days in the ‘90s, compared with nowadays times.

What answers and conclusions it brought us, can be listened on ‘Sidi doli’ single, first at PDV label’s Bandcamp and You Tube profiles, soon on all streaming platforms.

Cover illustrated by Marko Balaban - Balki, and the same song got it’s video, the first for the band ever, with Tonko Mikulandra (studio82) behind the camera, edited and directed by David Tešić (DMT Productions).
Video premiere on April the 20th, under the following link

‘Album’ comes out on May the 31st, there is an ongoing crowdfunding for the vinyl release.

Pokrenuli smo crowdfunding za izdavanje nove ploče 

Vjerovali ili ne, početkom rujna 2023. snimili smo materijal za novi, samostalni album, nakon punih 30 godina.
Na istom mjestu, u našoj podrumskoj prosotoriji za probe u Šibeniku, od milja zvanoj ‘Konobi’, sa istim akterima kao i za vrijeme snimanja ‘Pobjedimo laž’ 1993.

Samom snimanju prethodilo je (opet) puno neočekivanih, i situacija za knjigu napisat, ali ishod je utoliko slađi, što kao rezultat sada možda prvog puta u životu imamo snimku na kojoj se sve čuje kako treba.

Kako bi lakše financirali izdavanje materijala i na ploči, kao i zbog otežanog funkcioniranja benda poradi dislociranosti članova, pokrenuli smo crowdfunding kampanju, sa ciljem da uz vašu pomoć lakše prikupimo potrebna sredstva.

Izdanje nosi simboličan naziv ‘Album’, jer isti nosi retrospektivu unatrag 40 godina.
Ima jednu preradu, i 2 obrade, ali dominantnu većinu pjesama čine stare nove, i nove, do sada nikad snimljene, ni objavljene pjesme.
Polovica njih napravljena je polovicom 90ih, a druga polovica u posljednjih godinu-dvije.
Sveukupno 11 pjesama, u nešto manje od 40 minuta, prepoznatljivog ‘ravno-u-glavu’, žestokog i tvrdokornog Nula punka, s textovima iz društvenih aktualnosti, koje rešetaju vokali Frua i Mitre.

U nadasve ugodnoj, i efektivnoj suradnji, snimanje, mix i produkciju potpisuje Ivan Jakić / Kut sobe.
Za mastering albuma bio je zadužen producent i inžinjer zvuka Petar Dundov / Neumatik studio.

Uz vinil, kao i posebno izdanje, u poznatom Nulinom stilu, sastavni dio ‘Albuma' je i popratna knjižica, ili booklet, od 28/A4 stranice, sa ilustracijama, tekstovima, pojašnjenjima, kao i prijevodima.
Uz članove benda, kao posebni gosti, od kojih poneki uključuju suradnike iz prvih dana i sa prvih izdanja, ilustracije potpisuju umjetnici: Marko Balaban - Balki, Ruška Miljak - Rule, Marin Urbanc - Buncek, Marko Vojnić Gin, Ninoslav Zelenović - Zele.

Za dizajn front/back covera, zadužen je dugogodišnji prijatelj i zlata vrijedan designer domaće diskografije, Darko Kujundžić.

Nula - Album, izlazi u izdanju PDV-a, na sljedećim formatima:
- vinyl LP (+ booklet + download card + poster)
- FanzineBooklet (+ download card + poster)
- Digital

Za ‘Album’ je moguće uplatiti crowdfunding u nekoliko različitih perkova, uključujući različite bundle pakete, u kombinaciji s različitim vrstama majica.

NULA - Album - LP = 20€
NULA - Album - Fanzine/Booklet (+ download card + poster) = 8€

NULA - Album - LP + T-shirt = 30€
NULA - Album - LP + Hoodie = 40€
NULA - Album - Fanzine/Booklet + T-shirt = 18€
NULA - Album - Fanzine/Booklet + Hoodie = 28€
NULA - Album - Full Bundle: LP + Fanzine/Booklet + T-Shirt + Hoodie = 58€

Iznosi kroz kampanju su podosta povoljnije, od cijene koju će ‘Album’ imati po objavljivanju, a svako ko uplati crowdfunding na poklon dobija prišvku + bedž.

Nula - Album (PDV077) izlazi u petak, 31. svibnja ove godine kao digtalno izdanje.
Očekujemo da ćemo fizičke primjerke izdanja, kao i majice, slati oko 15. lipnja 2024.

Ploču štampmo u prvih 500 primjeraka, i kroz crowdfunding je cilj pokušati doseći iznos od 6500€, koliko je potrebno za troškove produkcije albuma, kao i proizvodnje fizičkih izdanja.

Hvala unaprijed na podršci i da lakše dođemo do cilja,
Frua, Mitre, Roša, Jorde, Meniga

Nula has launched a crowdfunding campaign for the release of their new record!

Believe it or not, in early September 2023, we recorded material for a new album, after a 30 years. In the same place, in our basement rehearsal space in Šibenik, called "Konoba", with the same band members as during the recording of "Pobjedimo laž" in 1993.

The recording process was preceded by (again) many unexpected situations, enough to write a book, but the outcome is all the sweeter because, as a result we now, perhaps for the first time in our lives, have a recording where everything sounds as it should.

To make it easier to finance the release of the material on vinyl, as well as due to the band's difficult functioning due to the dislocation of members, we launched a crowdfunding campaign, with the aim of collecting the necessary funds, with your help. https://www.pdv.com.hr/hr/artist/nula

The release has the symbolic name "Album", as it carries a retrospective of the past 40 years. It includes one cover and 2 reinterpretations, but the dominant majority of the songs are old new and new new, never before recorded or released tracks. Half of them were made in the mid-90s, and the other half in the last year or two. In total, 11 songs, in just under 40 minutes, of recognizable "straight-to-the-point ", fierce and unyielding Nula's punk, with lyrics about current social issues, delivered with the trademark vocals of Frua and Mitre.

In a truly pleasant and effective collaboration, recording, mixing, and production are signed by Ivan Jakić / Kut sobe. The album was mastered by producer and sound engineer Petar Dundov / Neumatik studio.

In addition to vinyl, as a special edition, in the familiar Nula's style, a main part of the "Album" is the accompanying booklet, 28/A4 pages, with illustrations, lyrics, explanations, as well as translations. In addition to the band members, as special guests, some of whom include collaborators from the early days and from the first releases, the illustrations are signed by artists: Marko Balaban - Balki, Ruška Miljak - Rule, Marin Urbanc - Buncek, Marko Vojnić Gin, Ninoslav Zelenović - Zele.

The design of the front/back cover was made by Darko Kujundžić, the longtime friend and invaluable designer.

Nula - Album, will be released by PDV Records, in the following formats:

  • LP (+ booklet + download card + poster) 
  • Fanzine/Booklet (+ download card + poster) 
  • Digital

For the "Album" it is possible to contribute to the crowdfunding in several different perks, including various bundle packages, in combination with different types of t-shirts.

NULA - Album - LP (+ booklet + download card + poster) = 20,00 €
NULA - Album - Fanzine/Booklet (+ download card + poster) = 8,00 €

NULA - Album - LP + T-shirt = 30,00 €
NULA - Album - LP + Hoodie = 40,00 €
NULA - Album - Fanzine/Booklet + T-shirt = 18,00 €
NULA - Album - Fanzine/Booklet + Hoodie = 28,00 €
NULA - Album - Full Bundle: LP + Fanzine/Booklet + T-Shirt + Hoodie = 58,00 €

T-shirt = S, M, L, XL, XXL
Girlie TS = S, M, L
Hoodie = S, M, L, XL, XXL

The prices throughout the campaign are considerably more favorable than the price the "Album" will have upon release, and everyone who contributes to the crowdfunding will receive a badge + patch as a gift.

Nula - Album (PDV077) will be released on Friday, May 31st this year as a digital release. We expect to send physical copies of the release, as well as t-shirts, around June 15th, 2024.

We're pressing the record in the first 500 copies, and the crowdfunding goal is to try to reach the amount of 6500 €, which is needed for the production costs of the album, as well as the production of physical copy.

Thank you in advance for your support and to make it easier to reach our goal,
Frua, Mitre, Roša, Jorde, Meniga

Prvi singl s "Albuma" Nule je "Krvoproliće"! 

Prva stvar koja najavljuje novi "Album" Nule nakon 30 godina  je "Krvoproliće". To je ujedno prva pjesma koju smo napravili nakon cca 20 godina autorske pauze.

Motivacija za pjesmu bila je "bosanski lonac" koji konstantno vrije i prijeti sukobima na području na kojem živimo, a negdje pri njenom nastajanju je postao aktualan i rat u Ukrajini. Novonastali sukob u pojasu Gaze se nažalost samo nastavio na tu priču, u kojem je ratovanje izgleda "jedina ljudska konstantna", a mi smo tu da urličemo protiv toga...

Ilustraciju potpisuje profesor i anarho punk umjetnik Marko Vojnić Gin.

"Krvoproliće" najavljuje "Album" koji izlazi 31. 5., za kojeg je u tijeku crowdfunding za skupljanje sredstava za izdavanje na ploči. --> https://www.pdv.com.hr/hr/novosti/nula-pokrenula-crowdfunding-za-izdavanje-nove-ploce

The first single from Nula's "Album" is "Krvoproliće"!

The first single announcing Nula's new "Album" after 30 years is "Krvoproliće". It's also the first song we made after about a 20-year break from writing their own music. The motivation behind the song was the current situation on the planet, constantly simmering and threatening conflicts in the area we live in, and somewhere during its creation, the ongoing war in Ukraine became relevant. Unfortunately, the newly emerged conflict in the Gaza Strip just continued that narrative, where warfare seems to be the "only human constant", and we are here to scream against it...

The illustration is signed by professor and anarcho-punk artist Marko Vojnić Gin, and the single is availabe on YouTube, and Bandcamp.

"Krvoproliće" announces the "Album" for which crowdfunding is currently underway to raise funds for its release on vinyl. https://www.pdv.com.hr/hr/artist/nula

NULA - Album - LP = 20,00 €
NULA - Album - Fanzine/Booklet (+ download card + poster) = 8,00 €


NULA - Album - LP + T-shirt = 30,00 €
NULA - Album - LP + Hoodie = 40,00 €
NULA - Album - Fanzine/Booklet + T-shirt = 18,00 €
NULA - Album - Fanzine/Booklet + Hoodie = 28,00 €
NULA - Album - Full Bundle: LP + Fanzine/Booklet + T-Shirt + Hoodie = 58,00 €

T-shirt = S, M, L, XL, XXL
Girlie TS = S, M, L
Hoodie = S, M, L, XL, XXL

With every purchase, a badge and patch are included as a gift.

"Album" will be released on May, 31st!

Snimili smo materijal za novi album 

Vjerovali ili ne, početkom rujna 2023. snimili smo materijal za novi, samostalni album, nakon punih 30 godina.
Na istom mjestu, u našoj podrumskoj prosotoriji za probe, od milja zvanoj ‘Konobi’, sa istim akterima kao i za vrijeme snimanja ‘Pobjedimo laž’ iz 1993.
Ovog puta uz nesebičnu pomoć i produkcijsko-tehničku potkovanost Ivana Jakića, i njegovog studija Kut sobe.
Više informacija o novom albumu, kao i terminu njegova izdavanja slijedi uskoro.
We’re recorded a new album material
Believe it or not, we’re recorded a new album material at the beginning of September 2023, for the first new length after 30 years.
At the same place, in our underground rehearsal room, popularly named ‘Konoba’, with the same crew as we did with ‘Pobjedimo liz’ in 1993.
This time with a great technical and production help of Ivan Jakic, and his Kut sobe studio.
More informations about the new album, including release date, follow soon.

Sviramo na Martinska Punk meets Kanal fest 2023. 

Sviramo na Martinska Punk meets Kanal fest 2023.
Sviramo na Martinska Punk meets Kanal fest 2023. Podsjetimo da je nastup na Martinska Punk 2020. u prvoj pandemijskoj godini, bio ujedno i prvi nakon ponovnog okupljanja, na mjestu za koje smo emocionalno vezani.
Festival se odvija od 27. do 29. srpnja na lokaciji Martinske u Šibeniku, slavi se prvih 5 godina Kanal festa, kao i lokacije u trenutnom ruhu.
Uz sve domaće i gostujuće snage, biti će čast podijeliti pozornicu sa još uvijek aktivnim punk legendama, koje su itekako utjecale i na nas, Subhumans i Anti-Nowhere League.
We play Martinska Punk meets Kanal fest 2023
We play Martinska Punk meets Kanal fest 2023. Let’s remember that show on Martinska Punk, in the first pandemic year of 202, was also our first as the reunion happened, on the place we’re emotionally linked with.
Festival takes place July 27th-29th, on martinska site, in Sibenik, Croatia. Celebrating first 5 years of Kanal fest, and the first 5 years of site in current shape.
Besides all other bands, it will be a great pleasure to share the stage with punk legends, that also influenced us, such as Subhumans and Anti-Nowhere League.

Galerija fotki i video izvještaj s koncerta w/ The Exploited by Subsite.hr 

Video izvještaj i galeriju fotografija sa koncerta na kojem smo zagrijavali za The Exploited, u zagrebačkom klubu Boogaloo, 10. svibnja 2023., pogledaj pod linkom
Veliki naklon i pozdrav majstoru Jahva Joži!
Photo gallery and video report from show w / The Exploited
Video report and photo gallery from the show when we supported The Exploited, in Boogaloo club in Zagreb, on May the 10th 2023, can be viewed under the following link:
A big up to Jahvo Joža!

Spomenuti smo u knjizi Smash The System: Punk Anarchism As A Culture Of Resistance 

Do nas je digla viest da smo pomenuti u knjizi Smash The System: Punk Anarchism As A Culture Of Resistance, koju je Active Distribution objavio krajem 2022. I to kao bitan faktor u stvaranju DIY scene 90ih, u sklopu interviewa koji je u poglavlju pod nazivom War Dance (Fuck War Let’s Dance): Anarchism, Punk & DIY Music in Croatia Since the 1990s, Len Tilburgeru dao profesor i anarho punk umjetnik Marko Vojnić Gin.
Knjigu možeš pronaći pod linkom 
Smash The System: Punk Anarchism As A Culture Of Resistance book mention
We were informed that we were mentioned in Smash The System: Punk Anarchism As A Culture Of Resistance book, published by Active Distribution by the end of 2022. Mentioned as having an important role in building DIY punk scene in Croatia in the 90s. Within an interview given by Marko Vojnic Gin, professor and anarchy punk artist, to Lan Tilburger, in the chapter named War Dance (Fuck War Let’s Dance): Anarchism, Punk & DIY Music in Croatia Since the 1990s.
Book can be found under the following link


NULA - Album - LP = 20 €

NULA - Album - Fanzine/Booklet (+ download card + poster) = 8 €

NULA - Album - LP + T-shirt = 30 €

NULA - Album - LP + Hoodie = 40 €